Geothermal Systems

"Heat Of The Earth"

What is a Geothermal System?

"Geothermal" literally means "heat of the earth." With a geothermal system, a series of pipes is buried under the ground's surface to tap into the earth's natural heat. The underground heat source that can be found in any backyard is enough to cover approximately 10 times the amount of energy required during any season. This unending resource is constantly recharged by the sun and the surrounding earth, so you never have to worry about waning resources.

Is Green the New Status Symbol?

As energy costs and green awareness rise, a very surprising must-have is gaining popularity around the world.


Save Money With Geoexchange!

Go Green and get a 30% Tax Credit on the installation of Geothermal Heat Pumps!

What are the Benefits of Using a Geothermal System?

There are numerous benefits to using a geothermal system versus a traditional heating or cooling system, including:

  • Cost-efficiency: The most efficient gas furnace operates at about 94% efficiency. Geothermal systems, on the other hand, can deliver four units of energy for every single unit of electrical energy used, leading to an efficiency rating of 400%. For most households, the result of this extraordinary energy efficiency is a 60% savings in their energy bill.
  • Environmental friendliness: The Department of Energy and the EPA have classified geothermal systems as the most environmentally friendly heating and cooling options available. Geothermal systems don't emit the carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or other greenhouse gases that contribute to air pollution.
  • Noise control: Geothermal units don't contain the noisy outdoor units that plague users of typical air conditioning or heating systems. Geothermal systems are designed with a "whisper quiet" technology that is similar to that of modern refrigerators.
  • Reliability: Because geothermal systems are installed indoors, they are not exposed to possible damage from ice, hail, debris, or extreme temperatures.
  • Safety: Geothermal systems don't require the use of natural gas, propane, or oil, so there's no need to worry about combustion, flames, fumes, or carbon monoxide leaks.
  • Comfort: Geothermal systems deliver an even flow of conditioned air throughout homes. Gone are the hot and cool blasts that homeowners often experience when using a traditional heating or cooling system.

Contact us to receive a free quote for more information about installing a geothermal system on your property.

How Geothermal Heating Works

Geothermal heating and cooling saves energy by tapping that constant temperature to warm a house in winter and cool it in summer.

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We offer Residential and Commercial well drilling services in Western Iowa and Eastern Nebraska.

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Jensen Well Company
575 S. 1st St.
Blair, NE 68008
Phone: (402) 426-2585
Out of Area Phone: (800) 852-8561
Fax: (402) 426-2510

Debbie Cornish, office manager:

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